- Anginine, Deponit, Minitran, Nitradisc, Nitrek, Nitro-Bid, Nitro-Bid lV, Nitrodisc, Nitro-Dur, Nitrogard, Nitroglyn, Nitrolingual, Nitrong, NitroQuick, Nitrostat, NitroTab, Nitro-Time, NTS, Transderm-Nitro, Transiderm-Nitro, Tridil
> To prevent chronic anginal atracks
Adult: 2.5 or 2.6 mg sustained-release capsule or tablet q 8 to 12 hours. Increase to an effective dose in 2.5 - or 2.6-mg increments b.i.d. to q.i.d. Or, use 2% ointment: Start dosage with 1/2-inch ointment, increasing by 1/2-inch increments until desired results are achieved. Range of dosage with ointment is 1/2 to 5 inches. Usual dose is 1 to 2 inches q 6 to 8 hours. Or, transdermal disc or pad (Nitrodisc, Nitro-Dur, or Transderm-Nitro) 0.2 to 0.4 mg/hour once daily.
> Acute angina pectoris; to prevent or minimize anginal attacks before stressful events
Adult: 1 S.L. tablet (1/400 grain, 1/200 grain, 1/150 grain, 1/100 grain) dissolved under the tonque or in the buccal pouch as soon as angina begins. Repeat q 5 minutes, if needed, for 15 minutes. Or, one or two sprays Nitrolingual into mouth, preferably onto or under the tonque. Repeat q 3 to 5 minutes if needed, to a maximum of three doses within a 15-minutes period. Or, 1 to 3 mg transimucisally q 3 to 5 hours while awake.
>Hypertension from surgery, heart failure after MI, angina pectoris in acute situation, to produce controlled hypotension during surgery (by I.V. infusion)
Adult: Initially, infuse at 5 mcg/minute. Increasing p.r.n. by 5 mcg/minute q 3 to 5 minutes until response occurs. If a 20-mcg/minute rate doesn't produce a responce, increase dosage by as much as 20 mcg/minute q 3 to 5 minutes. Up to 100 mcg/minute may be needed.
- Dilute with D5W or normal saline solution for injection. Concentration shouldn't exceed 400 mcg/ml.
- Always give with an infusion control device and titrate to desired response.
- Regular polyvinyl chloride tubing is available from the manufacturer. Always mix in glass bottles and avoid using a filter.
- Use the same type of infusion set when changing lines
- When changing the concentration of infusion, flush the administration set with 15 to 20 ml of the new concentration before ise. This will clear the line of the old drug solution.
Alteplase, bretylium, hydralazine, levofloxacin, phenytoin sodium.
A nitrate that reduces cardiac oxygen demand by decreasing left ventricular end- diastolic pressure (preload) and, to a lesser extent, systemic vascular resistance (afterload). Also increases blood flow through the collateral coronary vessels
Route Onset Peak Duration
P.O. 20-45 min Unknown 3-8 hr
I.V. Immediate Unknown 3-5 min
Topical 30 min Unknown 2-12 hr
Trans- 30 min Unknown 24 hr
S.L 1-3 min Unknown 30-60 min
Buccal 3 min Unknown 3-5 hr
Trans- 2-4 min Unknown 30-60 min
half-life About 1 to 4 minutes
CNS: headache, dizziness, weakness.
CV: orthostatic, hypotension. tachycardia, flushing, palpitaions, fainting.
EENT: S.L burning.
GI: nausea, vomiting.
Skin: cutaneous vasodilation, cantact dermatitis, rash.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
Drug-drug. Alteplase : May decrease the sue plasminogen activator-antigen level.
P.O. 20-45 min Unknown 3-8 hr
I.V. Immediate Unknown 3-5 min
Topical 30 min Unknown 2-12 hr
Trans- 30 min Unknown 24 hr
S.L 1-3 min Unknown 30-60 min
Buccal 3 min Unknown 3-5 hr
Trans- 2-4 min Unknown 30-60 min
half-life About 1 to 4 minutes
CNS: headache, dizziness, weakness.
CV: orthostatic, hypotension. tachycardia, flushing, palpitaions, fainting.
EENT: S.L burning.
GI: nausea, vomiting.
Skin: cutaneous vasodilation, cantact dermatitis, rash.
Other: hypersensitivity reactions.
Drug-drug. Alteplase : May decrease the sue plasminogen activator-antigen level.
Avoid using together; if unavoidable, use lowest effective dose of nitroglycerin.
Antihypertensive: May increasive hypotensive effect. Monitor BP closely.
Heparin: I.V nitrogycelyn may interfere with anticoagulant effect of heparin. Monitor PTT.
May cause severe hypotension. Use of nitrate in any form with this drugs is contraindicated.
Drug-Lifestyle. alcohol use : may increase hypotension. discourage use together
- may falsely decrease values in colesterol determination test using the zlatkisZak color reaction.
- contraindicated in patient with early MI ( oral and sublingual ), severe anemia, increased intracranial pressure, angleclosure glaucoma, orthostatic hypotension, allergy adhesives ( transdermal ), or hypersensitivity to nitrate. I.V. nitroglycerin is contraindicated in patient with hypersensitive to I.V. form, with cardiac tamponade, restrictive cardiomyopathy, or constrictive pericarditis.
- use cautiously in patient with hypotension or volume depletion.
- closely monitor vital signs during infusion particularly BP, specially with a patient with MI. excessive hypotension may worsen the MI.
- to apply ointment, measure the prescribed amount on the application paper; then place the paper on any non hairy area. dont rub in. cover with plastic film to aid absorption and to protect clothing. remove all excess ointment from previous site befora applying the next dose. avoid getting ointment on finger.
- monitor BP and intensity and duration of drug response.
- look alike sound alike; dont confuse nitrobid with nicobid or nitroglycerin with nitroprusside.
- caution patient to take nitroglycerin regularly, as prescribed, and to have it accesible at all times.
- alert: advice patient stopping drug abruptly causes spasm of the coronary arteries.
- advice patient to complains of at tingling sensation with S.L. drug to try holding tablet in cheek.
- tell patient to take an additional dose before anticipated stress or at bed time if chest pain occurs at night.
- advice patient that use of sildenafyl, tadalafyl, or verdenafyl with any nitrate may cause severe low BP. the patient should talk to his prescriber before considering use of this drugs together.